Answers to your questions, top tips and the basics of DAB digital radio
This section reflects some of the questions that we get asked most regularly about DAB digital radio. We've designed the website to be a comprehensive source of information, but if you're looking for a quick answer to a specific question, we hope you'll find it listed below.
Most DAB digital radios come with an aerial, but it's wise to check before you buy.
Handheld digital radios usually feature either a standard telescopic aerial or the aerial will be built-in to the headphones.
In-home digital radios usually feature a telescopic or wire aerial - if you live within the coverage aera then this is usually sufficent to pick up a signal. If you are receiving a clear signal then there's no need to install an external aerial.
In-car receivers usually come with a whip aerial (which is in addition to any FM/AM aerial you may need).