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Answers to your questions, top tips and the basics of DAB digital radio

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This section reflects some of the questions that we get asked most regularly about DAB digital radio. We've designed the website to be a comprehensive source of information, but if you're looking for a quick answer to a specific question, we hope you'll find it listed below.

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  • Will I need a new aerial?

    Most DAB digital radios come with an aerial, but it's wise to check before you buy.

    Handheld digital radios usually feature either a standard telescopic aerial or the aerial will be built-in to the headphones.

    In-home digital radios usually feature a telescopic or wire aerial - if you live within the coverage aera then this is usually sufficent to pick up a signal. If you are receiving a clear signal then there's no need to install an external aerial.

    In-car receivers usually come with a whip aerial (which is in addition to any FM/AM aerial you may need).

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